The Bahamas Triathlon Association shall seek applications for a Level 2 Technical Director (TD) so as to meet the basic level of officiating. The Level 2 TD will work with the LOC, officials and volunteers to ensure the event is properly officiated.

Qualified individuals may apply to the LOC to act as Technical Officials (TO) in the Triathlon, Aquathlon and Mixed Relay competitions.

Applications should be completed by the Technical Director, signed by the Federation President or Secretary and submitted to the Organizing Committee’s Chairperson not later than April 1, 2023.

The Technical Director who is accepted will be provided airfare, transportation, meals, per diem and accommodation at the cost of the LOC.

Officials who are selected will be notified by April 15th, 2023. The BTA is also seeking any Technical Officials who will be attending the race and wish to volunteer at the event, to please email the Secretary by May 1st, 2023.